MKP INTERNATIONAL mainly specialize in providing general legal advice to banks, leasing providers, insurance and reinsurance companies, security traders, insurance intermediaries and other financial service providers in the majority of areas dealing with banking and financial law.
MKP INTERNATIONAL is a leading expert in the field of insurance and lease law, with broad experience in banking, finance and capital markets.
Moreover, we provide comprehensive legal advisory services, which range from legal representation in disputes arising from insurance and other similar contracts, preparation of complex contractual documentation for banking and financial institutions, to all types of loans or financing, securities and their issuance or public offering, as well as advice pertaining to financial and banking regulations.
Our consummate team of attorneys and associates focuses on both domestic and cross-border markets, applying broad-based knowledge and skills that have been acquired over many years of practice, so as to ensure that our services provided reflect each client’s specific requirements.
Furthermore, MKP INTERNATIONAL is currently representing clients in a number of tax proceedings, while ever continuing our focus on furthering this area of legal services.